Well Mom, Well Baby:
prenatal education & postpartum support
Who We Are
Emily Scott OTR/L, IBCLC, RYT & Lindsay Birckhead OTR/L, IBCLC are occupational therapists & lactation consultants specializing in postpartum support & infant development, passionate about supporting the unique needs of mom & baby! Collectively, they have over 10 years of experience supporting new mothers & babies in a variety of settings, with specialized knowledge of infant feeding, lactation, infant development, peri-natal mood and anxiety disorders, and postpartum physical recovery.
Feeding: Nurturing Success for Mom & Baby
Meet local moms while learning skills to nurture your baby’s feeding development, overcome common feeding challenges to meet your breastfeeding or combo feeding goals, & promote your own postpartum physical & mental health while feeding your baby.
$50 registration includes**:
3 hour group educational session
30 minute personally tailored educational session (virtual, date of choice)
Comprehensive feeding & lactation resource guide
OPTIONAL: For additional fee, individual C-section recovery support consults are available- please inquire below if interested
*sliding scale and insurance-based options available
Next Dates:
August 16, 2023
5:30 -8:30 pm
*in person*
1234 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19146
Who is the group for?
Any mom-to-be considering breastfeeding or combo feeding for their baby
Participants will:
-Mingle with other local mamas to be
-Engage in yoga, breathing, and mindfulness activities specifically designed for prenatal and early postnatal times
-Practice movement techniques & feeding positions that support your physical health & recovery
-Learn evidenced based, best practice to support your baby’s feeding development and support your breastfeeding/combo feeding success
-Discuss ways to build your postpartum support village to support your feeding goals
Educational topics include:
-Examining the unique dynamics of the mom-baby feeding relationship & factors that influence it
-Identifying options for feeding your baby: knowing your options (exclusive BF, exclusive pumping, formula, combo breast & bottle)
-Understanding basics of infant feeding skill development & address common issues
-Managing common breastfeeding challenges: beyond the basics
-Basics of bottle feeding & pumping
-Setting yourself up for success: postpartum physical & mental health support strategies
-Setting yourself up for success: building your village/ social supports
Who we are
Emily Scott OTR/L, IBCLC, RYT & Lindsay Birckhead OTR/L, CLC are occupational therapists & lactation consultants specializing in postpartum support & infant development, passionate about supporting the unique needs of mom & baby! Collectively, they have over 10 years of experience supporting new mothers & babies in a variety of settings, with specialized knowledge of infant feeding, lactation, infant development, peri-natal mood and anxiety disorders, and postpartum physical recovery.
We ask that any attendees are vaccinated to keep in line with our mission to support the health and wellness of all moms & babies. Masks also required.
Comfy dress encouraged for movement activities.
Got questions?
Send us an email for any further information